Tottenham Hotspur are making headlines for all the wrong reasons as the club have allegedly complained that the areas surrounding their new state of the art £850 million stadium, are ‘too dirty’ for the fans and could thus damage the club’s ambitions to establish ‘one of the world’s most unique entertainment venues’.

The Guardian ran a story yesterday claiming they have been able to access a confidential memo through senior figures in the Labour-run London borough of Haringey, that sees the club complaining to the local authority that the litter around the new stadium will have a negative impact on the image of the new ground.

According to the Guardian, a memo which was written after the meeting between officials from the club and the local council reads, “Spurs were very dismissive as to the current state/appearance of Tottenham and implied that this was not an acceptable environment for their new stadium and supporters.”

The Guardian also revealed that another memo notes that “Spurs as you may be aware of quite an aggressive operator [sic]. When the question of all the extra cleaning needed was raised and who would fund it was made very clear that it would not be paid for by Spurs.”

The memo further alleged that Tottenham are demanding that the council covers the costs to resurface Tottenham High Road which leads to the stadium as the appearance of the high road was detrimental to the street scene around the stadium. Haringey Council have chosen not to weigh in on the row and have claimed that they are working together with Spurs to solve the issue.

This certainly isn’t welcome news for the Tottenham Hotspur stadium which has already received a lot of negative press owing to the delay in its opening. Tottenham fans will be hoping the stadium doesn’t face too many more glitches and is ready to host games by February.

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