Comments on: Daniel Levy ‘laughed himself to death’ after Bayern’s Kane statement – Steffen Freund claims Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:42:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Always last Fri, 25 Aug 2023 11:42:01 +0000 While I don’t think Levy laughs at these matters, Spurs are the biggest losers at the end of the day. We have given up the best striker in the world for less than we could have sold him for last summer when we were talking £150million+ and addons.

We have always known that Son is nothing without Kane there to supply him, it has been demonstrated over the years whenever Kane is injured. Kulu will never regain his ability to play like he did on his first season, I don’t understand why we signed him.

So now Spurs are left with a useless strike force, looking to find a “kane replacement”, meanwhile the germans have the best striker in the world up front for them.

This is just lack of ambition from Levy, again. Ambitious clubs don’t care about the money, as long as they get the right player for the job, the money just doesn’t matter. Spurs on the other hand, rarely get their first choice in a transfer market. We are always the last people to go home with what ever is left on the market/dance floor.
