Comments on: THST criticise Tottenham’s ‘excessive’ increase in match-day ticket prices Mon, 10 Jul 2023 07:51:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: fed up fan of 40 years Mon, 10 Jul 2023 07:51:12 +0000 THST think they are the voice of supporters the same way way DIer thinks he is a CB.

“Whilst we recognise the increased operational costs and lack of European revenue for this coming season, we believe there are other ways the Club can generate this lost revenue. This burden should never be pushed on to match-going supporters.”

is the THST really that naive and thick? Do they really believe they have some input as what goes on in Levy-world? Dont they know they are a token organisation put in place to appease the masses.

And who’s fault is it that we now have a lack of European revenue. Jesus Levy is taking every spurs fan for a run and we will still eat it up..

we are doomed as a club
