Comments on: A look ahead to Man Utd – guest article by Martin Cloake Fri, 11 Sep 2009 14:42:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steve Fri, 11 Sep 2009 14:42:19 +0000 I wonder how many other clubs can tell the same sordid tale of favouritism …. I guess the majority!

Who remembers John Duncan our underated Scottish forward back in the early 70’s?
I remember him turning Gordon McQueen inside out right in front of goal one Saturday afternoon at the Lane.In full view of the ref the then,Utd Centre Half,took his legs.In all my many years of following Tottenham it was and still is the most blatent penalty I have ever seen!And guess what the then England’s number 1 ref(to be honest I’ve forgotten his name,can anyone help me out)waved play on.I was perfectly in line with the incident and there is no doubt whatsoever that it was cheating.Remember in those days players did not dive and even if they had of done John Duncan was not that sort of player.
And this came hot on the heels of a similiar incident,just I think 2 years before,when the legendry Alfie Conn was likewise brought down.

Both matches were tight and I think in at least one of them it cost us the match.

As Martin write’s in his article these incidents continue to happen.

My own feeling is that after the Munich Air Crash there was a hugh wave of publicity and sympathy across the country shown to them and this has carried on to this day at everyone else’s expense!

It is about time that these year after year incidents were highlighted by the media.But of course who are the Media’s Golden Boys??

And where is the BBC sports department moving too in 2011 —- MANCHESTER!!

Enough said!

By: Billy the Yid Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:21:35 +0000 It shouldn’t be, but it is the way it is. When we’re playing in front of 50,000+ Spurs’ fans and regularly finishing in the top 4, I won’t be complaining when more decisions go our way.

I agree that in Manure’s case there seems far too many incidents of this kind, and I think you’re right in wanting Redknapp to strike pre-emptively regarding the officiating of Saturday’s game. However, as you hinted at, the players have a lot of mental questions to answer and to continually play the victim role in all of this will result in a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

Hopefully Redknapp is the man to balance the players’ mental extremities, i.e. from: ‘We’re winning, we’re the best’ to: ‘We’re losing now, let’s not bother’. Redknapp will hopefully instil a quiet confidence and belief so that the players, no matter what is thrown at them, stay calm and composed.

Whatever happens in the next two games ahead (Manure and the chavs), the real test will come in how they respond against the five ‘lesser quality’ sides after.

By: rich Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:16:00 +0000 Not forgetting O’Sheas filthy challenge on Mordric in the Carling Cup Final after he had already been booked! Still cant believe how he wasnt sent off!!

By: MAAL Thu, 10 Sep 2009 00:03:30 +0000 solid analysis, backed up by some classic examples of Ref-based robbings.


You failed to list the (admittedly seemingly slim) number of games where Spurs got the rub of the man in green.

and, getting the face of the ref is best left to reds of all ilks – its not very becoming of the lilywhites and symptomatic of the game today.

That doesn’t mean can’t beat, join. That would be a sad day for The Spurs i grew up admiring (im still only 31!).

Oh, and Respect!

By: Welbourne Road Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:34:44 +0000 I did not realise there was so many recent incidents of refs. favouring United when playing Spurs. I am aware of the Yellow Card trick that benefits United against several other clubs especially Bolton. One or two key players of the opposing side are yellow carded in the first half hour of play. In the closing stages of the match, with United having victory assured, the yellow carding is balanced or nearly so with yellow cards to Man. U. players, sometimes a recently subbed on squaddie is the recipient. Any quick appraisal of the match stastitics indicates a balancing of carding, when in reality the opposing sides best players are handicaped in the key early stage of the contest

By: Bob NZYID Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:16:48 +0000 A very well written artcile and you have given as balanced an article as possible given the serial type patheticness of how long these decisions have been going on. I have went to many many games over the years and the boundaries of my astonishment were always pushed even further by all the instances you have examplified above.
Last season’s first half display away at old trashford I watched here on tv and thought we totally outclassed them on their own turf. However, due to the history you have mentioned above it did not take any brain surgeon to know that the inevitable would happen and the skids would be put under us by refereeing dubiousness. We knew it would happen , think the scousers would have been more dismayed at the penalty decision, at least we expected it to happen. It does make me so angry that we can go back so long with all this….so the neutrals cliche of sour grapes would just not hold any ground. Totally expect the same thing to ruin our run this weekend and no doubt Dick Turpin adorned in black will apologise the very next day for his mistake !

By: Rhythm Wed, 09 Sep 2009 23:11:20 +0000 Kudos, excellent research!! wonder what it wil be this time??

By: anon Wed, 09 Sep 2009 22:33:14 +0000 What, no mention of Ruud Van Nistelrooy “penalties”?
