Comments on: Fan Preview: Tottenham Hotspur vs Manchester City Wed, 16 Dec 2009 15:12:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ossie Wed, 16 Dec 2009 15:12:11 +0000 The reason Defoe got a dig, is because e can do it, Crouch and Keane have never been top class, Defoe can be but always seems to follow media praise by a run of poor performances. Would love Pav to play, he and JD look good when they played together last year. Though not to confident, will be screaming the boys on as usual!

By: Macca Wed, 16 Dec 2009 13:22:29 +0000 Ossie, dont be too harsh on Defoe or Thudd, after all the team is made of 11 players. Its gonna be difficult tonight, i can see it being a draw or us to win be the odd goal, however after the embarassing defeat to wolves on the weekend, i hope to god that we dont loose this game, so much is riding on it. Defoe upfront can do the business as we have all seen, but for me keane and crouchy are just not cutting the mustard, that usually would open the door for Pav , but Arry has a bug up his arse and wont let the lad play. Let Pav show us what he is made of, give him the chance.
COYS – i reckon 2-1 to Spurs : ) COYS

By: Ossie Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:15:29 +0000 Not confident at all about tonight! This was supposed to be the period where we stamped out foot on 4th place, instead we have been limping along as usual. Why O Why do Defoe, Hudd etc believe the hype and think they are good enough to coast? A rocket up Defoes A**e and Hudd A**e hitting the bench should do the trick!
